Visual Design

It’s no secret visual deisgn has a large impact on society’s long term relationship with sociological artifacts. Especially in terms of marketing, colors and images representative of platforms like Google, Apple, Twitter and more are highly identifiable because of such. However, it’s important platforms like these can make their designs accessible to all people. When it comes to designing for the visually impaired, its crucial that designs don’t inhibit visually impaired users, which can possibly take away from the importance of these designs.


Because people amongst the wide variation of visual disabilities can all perceive web pages differently, giving users the option to alter the presentation of specific content on their web pages can make a significant difference. Users can customize web features that include color contrast, text size, screen readings, speed , subtitles, and more.

I personally resonated with Graeme Fulton’s “Accessibility Basics: Designing for the Visual Impairment” article primarily because my father is visually impaired but depends on technology for the same reasons many able bodied people do. Having a screen reader is a great advancement that he takes good advantage of. I think its extremely important for visually impaired people around the world to be able to interpret/perceive visual messages on the web the right way, without struggle.


Mid Semester Reflections


Photos from Birmingham